But as everybody knows, necessity is the mother of invention. And because there aren't enough attractive benches in Vienna, people are getting creative. An art campaign, the "Hofmöblierung", has created a space for original benches in the Museumsquartier - design as useful art. The components: a cultural attraction (the museum), non-compulsory and casual refreshment opportunity, flowing water with the fountain ... and many adaptable seat possibilities!
The same components are to be found in other places. A place called Erzsebet in Budapest is a wonderful example of this: a gallery as a cultural centre, the club Gödör in the basement, and located directly above the gallery - a water-fountain as large as a swimming-pool. Around this fountain, along side classical benches, all kinds of unusual seating opportunities were available. Also the "Oxygenator" or the roof of the University Bibliothek in the middle of the very - from the architectural aspect - chaotic Warsaw are following this scheme.
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Left BUDAPEST: Erzsebet - Right WARSAW: University (roll Oxygenator)